Family Court Services
THIRD JUDICIAL DISTRICT | IDAHOServing Adams, Canyon, Gem, Owyhee, Payette, and Washington Counties
What is "Focus on Children?"
“Focus on Children” is not a parenting class, but is instead a course designed to provide separated/divorced parents with potential tools to communicate effectively on parenting issues, while still removing the children from potential conflict. Currently this class is being offered by way of an online video which you may view independently. We recommend that you allow yourself 1.5 to 2 hours to watch the video and complete the required questionnaire.
Why do I have to take this course?
This course is court ordered in family law cases throughout the State of Idaho (including the Third Judicial District) involving children under the age of 18.
How much does it cost?
The cost to complete this course is $35. To complete your payment online and gain immediate access to your course, please click on the link above. If you prefer to pay by mail, please send your payment to address below and include your name, phone number, email address, and case number so that we may contact you with instructions to access your course.